There's a phrase I came up with long ago that I was really focused on this morning which is "to see with new eyes". I have always loved seeing new things even if its as simple as driving down different streets to get to the store or to work. I don't have to be in a far away land to be able to appreciate experiencing something new. To see with new eyes takes this a bit further and applies it to the everyday and the familiar.
So this means that while driving down the same streets I take most days, I suddenly take notice of elements I haven't focused on before. Today on my drive to work I caught myself paying attention to things I had not seen before - or perhaps I have always seen them but not acknowledged them. Driving past the Golden Lion I really looked at the sign and there is a huge head of a golden lion atop the sign. I mean HUGE. How had I missed this? I also noticed the colors painted on buildings and saw things like the scoreboard at the end of the high school field and the decoration on the sign for an apartment complex. What I saw was pleasing, as if my eyes were drawn to what I wanted to see and not what I considered ordinary, mundane or boringly familiair. Just a little reminder to me that there is always something good to see out there, everyday, it's all new if you're really looking and wanting to see something good. See with new eyes and see what you want to see.
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