Friday, April 1, 2011


Tinkering with things tonight, with ideas, beliefs, truths. I am tinkering with space, with time, with dimensions. I am tinkering with my own mind, with electromagnetic pulses, with lucid dreams.
The dictionary definition of tinker aligns it with the phrase mucking about. Yes, I'm doing a lot of mucking about lately. Shaking it up and flinging it around. Patterns will be broken, pendulums will swing in the opposite direction for without balance we are lost. Too long we have walked in a straight line and now we follow a star on a curving path, past all manner of delights. We are free to dance and spin and the journey is not a race. We can take as long as we like and trust that we shall still arrive. There are no doors closing upon us. They open like flowers to the sun, windows to the sea breeze and the destination is laughter...sweet, simple and free.

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